
For Assistance:

Quick Guides for Advising: 

Starfish Training Manual_01 March 2023.pdf

Starfish Asynchronous Training in Canvas

If you are new to Starfish or just need a refresher on how to do a few things in Starfish -- head to our Starfish Training in Canvas. Just use your CBU email credentials to log into Starfish

Click here for Starfish Training

If you cannot access training or have any questions, email

Starfish Tools

Starfish How-To Basics

Click this link to refresh yourself with a few simple Starfish basics. 

Starfish Syllabus Statement

Add this paragraph to your syllabus to help students learn about Starfish.

Add Starfish Office Hours to your Email Signature

Make it easy for students to make appointments with you in Starfish by adding the Starfish logo and link to your appointments to your Outlook email signature.  Here's the job aid.